January 2014 | Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America

In celebration of AAFA’s 60th Anniversary, AAFA is recognizing Chapters and their leaders for the innovation that they demonstrate in achieving AAFA’s mission in their communities. This award recognizes and celebrates the innovation by AAFA’s state and regional chapter along these three pillars.

AAFA Michigan Chapter’s winning proposal highlighted their work with the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI).  GHHI is comprised of nearly 40 partner organizations dedicated to creating green, healthy, and safe homes for children and families in Detroit and Wayne County.  These partners are implementing a cost-effective and integrated approach healthy housing interventions by aligning, braiding, and coordinating resources for health, safety, and weatherization.  AAFA Michigan is proud to have provided over 40 asthma home visits addressing trigger removal/management and proper medical care.  Results to-date show improved asthma control and therefore fewer missed school days and no hospital or emergency department visits compared to an average of two visits made pre-intervention. [...]

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