
When Poverty Makes You Sick, a Lawyer Can Be the Cure

July 17, 2014 | The New York Times

By early summer 2010, the temperature had already reached 100 degrees in Cincinnati. At Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, doctors were urging the families of children with asthma to use air-conditioning. One mother handed a piece of paper to her doctor: The child’s room did have a window unit, and she was using it. But then the landlord responded — he apparently didn’t want to pay the […]

A Non-Toxic Guide To Renovating Your Home (Infographic)

July 15, 2014 | Mind Body Green

Homeowners out there know how difficult it is to maintain a home, let alone doing so in a way that doesn’t rely on toxic products. So many of the basic items we use on a day-to-day basis contain hazardous chemicals that it’s hard to conceive of a way to improve your home without endangering yourself and others.

That’s why we created the brand new Healthy Home Improvement resource, our […]

How to Keep Kids Safe This Summer

July 8, 2014 | The Children’s Center

There’s nothing better than seeing children enjoy all the fun summer can bring. But summer can also mean safety concerns for kids. According to the CDC, more than 12,000 kids — aged birth to 19 — die each year from an accidental injury. The National Safe Kids Campaign reports 7 million children visit the ER for accidental injuries each year with those numbers spiking in the summer.

Lead Poisoning Linked To Behavioral Problems

July 7, 2014 | Asian Scientist

AsianScientist (Jul 7, 2014) – While blood levels of lead greater than 10 μg/dL are known to lower a child’s IQ, a study has now shown that even lower levels can cause behavioral problems in children. The prospective cohort study of 1,341 preschoolers in Jintan, China has been published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Read more from Asian Scientist

Lead Exposure May Cause Depression And Anxiety In Children

June 30, 2014 | National Public Radio

Lead is well known for causing permanent behavioral and cognitive problems in children, but a study says it may also cause less obvious problems like depression, too, even at low levels.

That’s the word from a study tracking the health of 1,341 children in Jintan, China, where the health effects of pollution from rapid development have become a national concern.

Read more from National Public Radio

Editorial: We must take the lead on stopping lead poisoning

June 17, 2014 | Detroit Free Press

We see the scenario again and again — invest now and pay less later.

It’s the economics at the heart of our state’s recent investments in early education. Ignoring these forces is a key reason the state’s roads are in such terrible shape. And for thousands of Michigan’s children, it’s the means to finally ending the silent but pernicious effects of lead poisoning on our most vulnerable residents.

Refrigerator Replacement

June 13, 2014 | CLEARCorps/Detroit

CLEARCorps/Detroit can replace your old, inefficient refrigerator with a brand new Frigidaire Energy Star-rated refrigerator from Lowe’s. Your fridge must be built before December 2000, you cannot be in Shutoff, and you must meet a maximum income requirement. Info labels on your fridge will not say how old it is. This program is only for DTE electrical customers.

Read more from CLEARCorps/Detroit

Living in areas polluted with fine particles raises lung cancer risk

June 12, 2014 | Environmental Health News

Nonsmoking women who live many years in communities polluted with fine particles have an elevated risk of lung cancer, according to new research.

The study, which is the largest to date to examine the link, adds to mounting evidence that chronic exposure to soot may raise the risk of lung cancer, particularly among nonsmokers.

Read more from Environmental Health News

Lead poisoning of children in Michigan costs $330 million per year

June 10, 2014 | WWMT

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – A new study released Tuesday, June 10th shows lead poisoning is costing Michigan more than $300-Million dollars per year.

“Economic Impact of Lead Exposure and Remediation in Michigan” was authored by the University of Michigan School of Public Health’s Risk Science Center and is the first report in Michigan to compare the costs of lead contamination of children with the cost to prevent the problem.

According […]

New Edition of Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Magazine

June 4, 2014 | Green & Healthy Homes Initiative

Check out the latest edition of the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative magazine – Healthy Homes, Happy Families – by clicking here!