January 13, 2014 | CLEARCorps/Detroit

CLEARCorps/Detroit can replace your old, inefficient refrigerator with a brand new Whirlpool Energy Star-rated refrigerator from Lowe’s.  Your fridge must be built before December 2000, you cannot be in Shutoff, and you must meet a maximum income requirement. Info labels on your fridge will not say how old it is.  This program is only for DTE electrical customers.

Download and Print the application HERE.

Please note: CLEARCorps/Detroit will process 80 complete and qualified applications a month in the order in which they were received. This may result in a waiting period depending on when clients submit their applications. This program is subject to close at any time.

If you are unable to print, please contact a family member with a printer, or visit your local library.  If neither of these options are available, we can then mail you an application.

You will need to provide us with the model number, serial number, and brand of your fridge, proof of income for all adults living in the home, and a copy of your current DTE bill. If an adult does not receive or earn any income, please fill out this letter of no income (PDF).

If you do not include your model number and serial number, we will place your application on hold.

You must own the fridge to be replaced, and Lowe’s must be able to recycle your current fridge. The DTE account holder should be the primary applicant.

We hope this opportunity will lead you to a new and efficient refrigerator!

How old is my fridge?

If you are curious as to whether or not your fridge is built before December 2000, please visit Appliance 411. Only fridges built in this time frame qualify for this program.

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(Reprinted with permission from CLEARCorps/Detroit)

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