November 5, 2013 | AmeriCorps Urban Safety Project

DETROIT, MICH. –Gov. Rick Snyder and Mayor Dave Bing today announced the launch and expansion of an innovative crime reduction model in the city of Detroit: the AmeriCorps Governor & Mayor Initiative Urban Safety Corps Program. A unique public-private partnership, the program utilizes 36 AmeriCorps members as catalysts to mobilize and recruit community volunteers to join them in improving public safety in targeted Detroit neighborhoods.

“AmeriCorps programs across the country provide powerful and low-cost solutions to serious community challenges,” Snyder said. “The Urban Safety Corps Program is among these programs and has already demonstrated much success with a cost-effective program model that is helping supplement a critical area of need in the Motor City: public safety. We are excited to launch this promising expansion as I know it will provide crucial support in our collective efforts to reinvent Detroit.” [...]

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